Coups de cœur de la rentrée : partie 2

Qui dit première partie, dit forcément deuxième partie : voici donc une deuxième vague de mes coups de cœur de la rentrée littéraire. Comme dans mon post précédent, on trouve deux premiers romans parmi ma sélection. J’adore découvrir de nouvelles autrices, et j’espère que celles-ci seront aussi pour vous de belles découvertes !

On commence par Sauvage de Julia Kerninon. A sa sortie il y a quelques années, j’avais lu un de ses précédents livres Liv Maria que j’avais bien aimé, et très bien vendu, aussi bien en broché qu’à sa sortie en poche. Mais j’étais un peu restée sur ma faim à la fin du livre. Sauvage, c’est comme si l’autrice avait repris Liv Maria et avait gardé uniquement les aspects du livre que j’avais bien aimé, pour en faire cette parfaite pépite féministe et poétique.

On y suit Ottavia, une jeune femme qui a décidé de suivre la voie de son père pour devenir restauratrice. Elle devient son apprentie, et rapidement va ouvrir son propre restaurant. A travers le livre, on la suit qui apprend, qui voyage, qui tombe amoureuse ; et plus tard qui conjugue sa maternité avec son métier-passion. C’est un magnifique livre qui retrace le parcours d’une femme forte, et qui a décidé de prendre son destin en main. C’est aussi une belle histoire de sororité, ce qui m’a beaucoup touchée car en plus d’être une femme forte et indépendante Ottavia sait qu’elle peut compter sur ses amies, et vice-versa. Bonus, c’est un livre qui donne l’eau à la bouche et une furieuse envie d’aller en Italie. Bref, un gros coup de cœur, à lire et à offrir !

En parlant de livres qui donnent l’eau à la bouche, j’ai la transition parfaite avec mon coup de cœur suivant Dès que sa bouche fut pleine de Juliette Oury. Imaginez un monde dans lequel notre rapport au sexe et notre rapport à la nourriture ont été inversés. Matin, midi et soir on passe “en banquette”, mais la cuisine est devenu un événement de l’intime. Dans ce contexte, on va suivre Laetitia, une jeune femme tout ce qu’il y a de plus ordinaire, avec un boulot ordinaire, et un compagnon tout aussi ordinaire (pour ne pas dire ennuyeux). Tout va bien jusqu’au jour où — ô tabou ! — son appétit pour la nourriture va s’éveiller, et soudain elle se découvre l’envie de cuisiner.

Dès que sa bouche fut pleine est un premier roman d’une originalité folle, qui aborde la question du désir féminin et les tabous qui l’entourent de manière détournée, mais extrêmement pertinente. J’ai trouvé que l’a métaphore était absolument excellente. C’est aussi une belle histoire d’émancipation féminine. Si vous cherchez une lecture à la fois décalée et d’actualité, alors ce roman est fait pour vous. Un livre très réussi selon moi, et qui porte ses lecteur•ices à la réflexion !

On enchaîne ensuite avec Méduse de Martine Desjardins. Ce roman fascinant suit le parcours d’une jeune femme qui en a oublié jusqu’à son nom, tant ses parents la réduisent à ses caractéristiques physiques. Elle a été surnommée Méduse, et c’est ainsi que tout le monde l’appelle. Ce roman éponyme à l’ambiance gothique se lit tout seul tant on est captivé par la narration. Avec comme thématiques le pouvoir de la différence et bien sûr, son acceptation, Méduse est un récit initiatique qui décrit le parcours du combattant de son héroïne, mise au ban de la société à cause de son apparence, et qui n’a jamais vu son propre reflet tant son entourage l’a mise en garde contre les monstruosités que sont ses yeux.

C’est un roman absolument époustouflant, original et troublant à la fois. Jusqu’à la fin, on est amenés à essayer de s’imaginer à quoi ressemble vraiment Méduse, ne pouvant que faire des suppositions basées sur la réaction des personnes qui ont vu ses yeux. Page après page, on a envie de voir la jeune fille faire de cette différence son pouvoir, et quand elle le fait, c’est absolument jouissif. Bref, Méduse est un livre difficile à résumer sans trop en révéler, mais ce qui est sûr, c’est que c’est une réussite. Je ne suis pas près d’oublier ce livre !

Et mon dernier coup de cœur pour aujourd’hui, c’est La dent dure d’Isabelle Garreau, un roman à l’ambiance médiévale sur le pouvoir de la transmission, et qui nous dresse le portrait de trois femmes fortes. J’aime bien lire des romans qui sortent un peu des sentiers battus, et des tartes à la crème de la scène littéraire française, et celui-ci en fait définitivement partie. On suit trois femmes, à trois moments différents de l’histoire, qui sont reliées par une mystérieuse relique qui a traversé les âges. Trois femmes fortes, qui font trembler les hommes, et qui veulent à tout prix vivre une vie de liberté.

La dent dure est un très beau roman sur le pouvoir des histoires, et le pouvoir des femmes quand elles prennent leur destin en main. C’est une histoire qui me fait exactement penser au sous-titre des Culottées de Pénélope Bagieu : “des femmes qui font ce qu’elles veulent”, d’abord parce que j’adore cette expression, mais aussi parce que c’est exactement ce que font les femmes de ce roman vibrant et poétique, qui nous fait voyager de la Perse antique à la France contemporaine. [Avertissement : ce livre contient des scènes de violence pouvant heurter la sensibilité.]

C’est tout pour cette deuxième vague de coups de cœur. En avez-vous lu certains ? Lequel vous fait le plus envie ?

#ThePositivityWave N°6

The Positivity Wave is a weekly Friday update that’s all about positivity, as you guessed it, and was created by Meggy @ Chocolate ‘N’ Waffles. I haven’t participated in a hot minute, and I felt like talking, so I am back!

I’ve been having an on and off existential crisis for the past few months (what’s new) and since my two week summer break is soon coming to an end, I felt like it was a good time to share some of the things that I’ve been grateful for lately!

🌊 The month of August has always been a bit weird, it’s hella hot, I’m not following a regular schedule, etc. But for the past few years, it has always brought along something that I cherish, and that makes me immensely proud and happy: my blog’s anniversary! I’ve been talking about books on here for five years now, and it has helped me become who I am now. Without this choice, I am not sure I would have applied to work in a bookstore, and I never thought that I would like this job so much, but I do! (Which comes to no surprise to the people who know me irl, because I’ve always loved books, but still, it makes me very happy.)

🌊 Between the beginning of July, and last week, I got to spend some quality time with both my grandmas, and with the rest of my family in general, and that makes me very happy.

🌊 I got to spend some quality time with my my two Erasmus besties, and it has been awesome! I’ve known them for three years and a half, and this friendship has truly been a blessing to me. I feel like I can be myself with them, and I am truly grateful that I have them ❤

🌊 This one is not as deep, but you know what, I’ll just go with it anyway. I got to read so much more during the lockdown, and I was worried that this would come to an end, or at least slow down when it ended, but it hasn’t. I’m still reading more than ever, and it’s extremely satifying!

🌊 And finally, I got to spend a few days alone in Dresden, and city that I’d been meaning to visit for quite a while now, and I’m so glad that I got to do it! The city is amazing, and though I’m not sure I enjoy traveling on my own as much as I used to (something I never thought that I would say) I had a lovely time, and got to see some very beautiful places.

On the left: the Frauenkirche in Dresden, which was destroyed during WWII, and then rebuilt. The inauguration of the new church was in 2005. On the right: Schloss Moritzburg, which is only 40 minutes away from the Dresden city center, and is absolutely beautiful.


5th Blogversary!

One one fine day in August 2015, I finished reading Red Queen by Victoria Aveyard, and decided that I MUST make a book blog to talk about it. I had already ventured in the blogventure, with an old kdrama blog, and an attempt at a cooking blog. I had been a part of bookstagram for a few months, and I was finally finding myself again through books. The leap just made sense. To be fairly honest, I wasn’t sure I would stay here for long, but I knew it was something that I had to do at the time. Well, five years later, I am still here.


I have been through so many things with this blog! I’ve graduated from my double bachelor in 2016, and then moved to Berlin for a year. I then got a student job, came back to France, got my Master’s in comparative literature in 2018, got an internship in a publishing house, and lived in Strasbourg for a while. I moved back to Paris, got a job in a bookstore, celebrated a year of working there, survived the confinement, and moved again to a new flat. I’ve been through ups and down, got to figure myself out a little better, and I’m still here, one book at a time.

There has been months when I would post a lot, especially in the beginning, and months I barely shared anything. I’ve never felt pressured, but I always came back. Because if there’s one thing I love doing, and the past few years have only confirmed it, it’s talking about books.

So I guess what I wanted to say is: thank you for being here! Whether you’re new on my blog, or have been here since the beginning, your presence means everything to me. Thank you, and stay amazing ♥

#ThePositivityWave N°5

The Positivity Wave is a weekly Friday update that’s all about positivity, as you guessed it, and was created by Meggy @ Chocolate ‘N’ Waffles. I’m not participating every week, but with all the things that happened to me this week (I can’t believe it!) I felt like it was highly worthy of it!

🌊 Now that the confinement is more or less over in France (some people are still working from home, but restaurants are slowly reopening), I finally got to spend some times with some of my friends and I MISSED IT SO MUCH, and it felt so good.

🌊 Also, my favourite bar has reopened, and I spend my Saturday night there (outside!) with some of my friends last week, and it was amazing. I missed this so much. And yes, we are beeing careful. But we’re also making plans for the summer, and it’s good to finally be doing something out there! (That being said, I shoot dirty looks at every single customer who enters the bookstore not wearing a face mask, but that’s a whole other story).

🌊 While I don’t really have the energy to read physical books these days, I have managed to listen to some amazing audiobooks, and I’m really enjoying this! Among them: Clap When You Land as well as With the Fire on High by Elizabeth Acevedo, The Black Flamingo by Dean Atta, and King and the Dragonflies by Kacen Callender.

🌊 I moved out of my parents’ house, and moved in to a new flat on Monday! I have three flatmates, and I am so excited about this new chapter of my life that’s beginning. (Adulting much?)

🌊 Apparently, I got a pay raise? Still can’t wrap my mind around this one.

🌊 And tonight, I spent some time with my new flatmates. When I came back from work, two of them were in the kitchen, and instead of retreating to my room and lie down (which was tempting, I have to admit) I cooked and watched TV with them. And once again, it feels good to have people to hang out with!

That being said, I also miss my family, and I’m not just saying that because I know they sometimes read my blog posts ❤ I’m still living not far from their house, and I can drop by pretty much whenever. And now it makes the time we spend together all the more valuable. So yes, it seems like a new chapter of my life is beginning, and I’m really excited about it!

#ThePositivityWave N°4

The positivity wave is a weekly Friday update created by Meggy @ Chocolate ‘N’ Waffles. I haven’t done it in a while, but as I’m back to work this week I didn’t have the time to make a book review, or rant, or whatnot so I decided to participate in the positivity wave for a change! Here are some things that made me happy this week.

🌊 As I said, I’m back at work and even though the situation is not the best with social distancing, I’m still glad to do something else with my days. There’s been a lot of customers, so I keep busy, and I feel useful for a change.

🌊 Not to brag, but a lot of my regular customers have complimented my new haircut and it sure feels nice!

🌊 One of my most anticipated releases of the year aka The Henna Wars by Adiba Jaigirdar was released this week and I started reading it immediately!

🌊 I’ve been looking for a new place to live now that the confinement is technically over, and so far it’s going great.

🌊 This is more of a thing that happened over the last couple of weeks, but it still makes me really happy for some reason so I wanted to share anyway. I’ve become obsessed with Lore Olympus (the webcomic) and Hadestown (the musical). On top of that, I binge read Heroes of Olympus around the beginning of the month, and it reminded me of how much I loved all things Greek mythology, and it has somehow reenergised me 🥰 And now the PJO tv show has been announced on top of everything, I am on top of the world!

🌊 As I read YA book after YA book during the confinement, and peppered it with kdrama and a few shojo, I came to realise something: it’s like I leveled up who I was in high school. It’s like, I still enjoy and read the things I used to love, except I do it more openly now. I full on accept it, and I get to share both at work, and online, and I guess what I want to say is that it’s extremely satisfying.

🌊 And last but not least (I don’t want to jinx it!) I started writing again! I stumbled upon a great pep talk on Monday and picked up my 2018 NaNoWriMo project (which didn’t have a lot of words as I quickly gave up) again. I’m really excited because it’s a concept I really liked, and I’m hoping I one day get to finish the story!

And that’s it for today! Have a wonderful day, take care & stay safe!

Top 5 Tuesday: Sanity Savers

Top 5 Tuesday is a weekly meme hosted by Shanah @ The Bionic Book Worm. This week, the theme is not necessarily bookish related, it is rather related to the current events, which are affecting all of us. “Things that I’m enjoying while in isolation”. Personally, it’s been several weeks since I last went to work, as my workplace is a bookstore which is closed until further notice. Aka until the end of this pandemia I guess? I hope it will be over by the end of April! And anyway, here’s what keeps me busy at home in the meantime!

Books, obviously.

I decided to take this time to catch up with my unread piles of books at home, which was off to a great start when I started Crier’s War but also ended with it because Scribd extended its free period to a month and I’ve been spending most of my reading time on it since then. And it made me really happy because I’m reading REALLY GOOD BOOKS y’all.

Still rather obviously: Netflix.

Of course, as the confinement began, I knew that I was bound to spend some time on Netflix. I watched the new season of Elite, and now the new season of La Casa de Papel is out. What I didn’t know was that I would once again turn back to my comfort shows way of life: kdramas. I used to watch them all the time when I was in high school, and I’m now delighted to see that more and more of them are available on Netflix! The next on my watchlist is Itaewon Class.

Cooking ~

Cooking is obviously something I have always enjoyed doing, my two strong points being curry and chocolate. I’m using this opportunity to try out new recipes, and as a perfectly good excuse to bake cakes: we are all stuck at home, and we might as well enjoy it!

I’m learning Spanish!

It’s been three weeks now and I’m still going strong, so I can proudly share this random  confinement fact: I picked up Spanish on Duolingo! I learnt English and German in middle school/high school, and never regretted that because that’s what allowed me to go a year abroad in Berlin, and I LOVED it. However, I also feel like Spanish is really useful because it’s used in a lot of countries, so I decided to give it a try, and at least stick some of the very basics to my brain. So far, it’s going great and helping me feel productive!

Phone calls with my friends ~

And finally, the very things that refills my energy: I face time with my friends and it really helps!

Thanks for reading & stay safe!

#ThePositivityWave N°3

The positivity wave is a weekly Friday update created by Meggy @ Chocolate ‘N’ Waffles and it cheers me up every time I read it on her blog so I decided to give it a go as well, because now more than ever, everybody needs a bit of positivity!

So once again, here are some of the things that made me happy in the past week 😊

🌊 I’ve spent some quality time on the phone with both my grandmas.

🌊 I made a vegan chocolate cake and it was delicious (also more cooking and baking which I always find relaxing, all the while listening to The Raven Cycle: I’m finally onto the second book!)

🌊 The weather has been nice and I got to spend some lovely time in my garden. I know it’s not something everyone can do these days, and I’m really grateful for that.

🌊 Of course, I can’t not mention the fact that I’ve read a lot of books and I’m really happy about it.

🌊 I’ve also been binge watching some kdrama which always has been a safe space for me, and what better things to do during this confinement?

🌊 I Skyped with my best friends last night and we could just pretend that things were sort of normal for one hour, it has recharged my energy!

🌊 I started learning Spanish and it’s going great so far!

Thanks for reading, stay at home, and take care of yourself 🥰

#ThePositivityWave N°2

The positivity wave is a weekly Friday update created by Meggy @ Chocolate ‘N’ Waffles and it cheers me up every time I read it on her blog so I decided to give it a go as well, because now more than ever, everybody needs a bit of positivity! 😊

I obviously inteded at first to do it every week, but oh well that didn’t happen. But Meggy is right, now would be a good time to share some positivity (because, you know, I’m stuck at home and my next trip is canceled). Let’s not think about the fact that I was hit by a wave of depression, and instead, think positive. Think about all the friends I’ve been chatting with in the past few days. We are keeping one another’s head out of the water.

Here’s a few things that made me happy in the past week or so!

🌊 I managed to see a lot of my friends before the confinement started, which greatly helped in recharging my batteries.

🌊 I’m getting a break from work which allows me to get more sleep, and obviously, to read more books! Yes, when I said I wanted to get a holiday, that’s obviously not what I meant. But it will do for now.

🌊 I baked a cake yesterday and it was absolutely delicious.

🌊 I started a new craft project yesterday, while listening to my audiobook for The Raven Boys, and I’m curious to see how that goes.

🌊 Yes I do not want to be all of my points book related but also I don’t care: I’m really glad because I think I will have time to pick up a bunch of books I wouldn’t have the time to read otherwise, and that is really SATISFYING.

🌊 Let’s face it, it’s not the most productive use of my time but: a few weeks ago I downloaded Tiktok because I was bored at work, and I’m really happy I made that decision because I’m having a lot of fun with this app, especially considering that I now have a lot of free time.

🌊 I have decided to take this time to pick up a new language! So no pressure, I’m learning Spanish with Duolingo. I don’t have very high ambitions, but if I could use some basic skills while traveling that would be very nice! (Did I reach that conclusion after binge watching season 3 of ELITE? Maybe so. But Spanish is a useful language anyway!)

🌊 I saw pictures of how clean the canals were in Venice, and it gave me a little bit of hope that we can actually DO SOMETHING for the planet. Like, if we make a collective effort, maybe we can clean it and not have the world turn into a dystopia? Anyway, it was a nice sight.


And to conclude, here’s a hug for you. Please take care of yourself, this is not going to last forever!

#ThePositivityWave N°1

The positivity wave is a weekly Friday update created by Meggy @ Chocolate ‘N’ Waffles and it cheers me up every time I read it on her blog so I decided to give it a go as well, because everybody needs a bit of positivity! 😊

So here’s a list of things that made me happy in the past week or so!

🌊 I have tried a new pasta recipe last Saturday and it’s really delicious so it made me really happy. I froze some leftovers so I can bring it on my lunch breaks, and it gives me a very satisfying sense of adulting every time I do it!

🌊 I had brunch with my family on Sunday and it was super nice!

🌊 Frankly In Love by David Yoon was released in France this week and we received four copies which for some reason made me really happy. Now I just have to read the book! Coincidence? I had just gotten myself the e-copy. Now I just have to read it and I cannot wait.

🌊 I also had some great conversations with one of my favourite customers at work which always makes me really happy! She bought some of my recommendations without a second thought and it’s always satisfying to see that she trusts me.

🌊 I had a lot of fun writing my last blog post, which I think is worth mentioning.

🌊 We created a Goodreads account for my brother who has been reading more and more lately, and I love that we have this thing in common now.

🌊 And last but not least, I am planning my next trip and y’all, I cannot wait to have a full week with no work, it hasn’t happened since August, and I just really need it, I’m so excited.


Here’s a little bit of love if you read this far, and I hope you have a wonderful weekend!

Life Update: I’m Selling Books Apparently

Let’s go back in time a little bit to the end of February, when I ended my internship in a publishing house near Strasbourg, and moved back to my parents with one goal in mind: find a job, get money, and become a functional adult. Okay so that’s three goals but I feel like if the first one happens the other two follow.

Wait, we’re going back in time some more actually. Ever since high school I did not really know what to do with my life, except for the fact that I liked books, but that’s not much of a plan. Which is how I ended up studying humanities, and eventually did a Master in Comparative Literature.

At the end of the day, most of my friends from college knew they wanted to become professors, while the only thing I knew was that I DID NOT WANT to become a teacher / professor. Which is how I ended up at my internship: it was pretty much a combination of books + the need to get out of here for a while. And here I am back a little more than 6 months later.

Throughout the first four months, I still didn’t really know what I was doing there. Then came January, and I attended a comic book festival with my coworkers, partly in order to promote our latest releases, and partly because it was a really popular event. Anyway. I am mentioning this because that’s basically when I had a big revelation of what I wanted to do with my life. Suddenly I had a plan!

I figured that I wanted to be a corrector — basically the person who proofreads novels, contracts and such. Which sounded to me like I could get paid to read and point out other people’s mistakes: how great would that be?

And thus I came up with a plan: finish my internship, possibly find a job in a bookshop, and from October to next June, follow the program that would allow me to become a reader / corrector / proofreader.

I quickly realised that I needed to get a job in order to stay busy and earn some money, so I applied to several positions in various publishing houses and bookstores, and eventually got contacted by one of the bookshops which turns out is quite close to where I live, and believe it or not, I got the job!

So I’ve been working there for a little over a week, and my legs are finally getting used to it… But more importantly, I’m happy that I got the job although it get get confusing and frustrating because I need time to adjust, I don’t know where anything is, and I unfortunately haven’t read all the books in the world.

What I hear every time a customer asks me a question that I cannot answer which is all the time.

And I know that I only just started, and that it’s normal that I don’t know where every single book is, and that I’m here to learn, yet it remains SO FRUSTRATING.

Hopefully I will get used to it, and I guess I will see what the future has in store for me!