Liebster Award

Here is another Award post, thank you Kristy aka The Reader Dragon for nominating me!

The rules:

1- Acknowledge the blogger/s that nominated you, and display the award. 
2- Answer the 11 questions that the blogger/s gives you.
3- Give 11 facts about yourself.
4- Nominate 5-11 bloggers that you think are deserving of the award.
5- Let the bloggers know that you nominated them.
6- Give them 11 questions to answer.

My answers:

1- What are three things you can’t live without?
Hmm let’s say books, tea and Internet. But if I don’t have a device to go along it won’t work so I’m going to cheat a bit and say my phone, as long as it has Internet connection!

2- What is your favourite movie?
That’s a good question. I’m not really a movie person, and with book adaptations it’s a bit tricky… So I’m going to pick Love Actually!

3- What book do you have the earliest memory of reading? What was it about?
To be honest, I started reading books as soon as I learnt how to read so I’m not really sure… It was probably a Noddy book or Ratus the green rat.

4- What is your most prized possession?
I think it’s my watch, or maybe my birth medal!

5- How did you come up with your blog’s name?
My instagram ID is Clemireads but since I created this blog to actually talk about books, I wanted to find something a bit different… And then I thought of this, and I liked it!

6- What is your most guilty pleasure?
It’s probably reading or watching series through the night and then napping through the day!

7- If you could live anywhere in the world, where would it be?
I would love to live in Scotland, and I am actually hoping I will be there next year!

8- If there was one book that everyone had to read, what would you want it to be?
One Day, One Day, always One Day, I cannot recommend this book enough! Go read it folks if you haven’t read it yet! It’s my absolute fave, and each time someone is asking for a book recommendation I’m like GO READ ONE DAY. So yeah, read it. When we where in Edinburgh I made my parents go to Arthur’s Seat because of this book, and not a single second did I regret it.

9-What is your dream occupation?
Basically I want to be a writer, and I know it’s a hard path but I don’t care. I can’t think of anything else.

10- What is your favourite super hero?
Spiderman I guess.

11- What fictional character do you relate to most?
Cath from Rainbow Rowell’s novel Fangirl, obviously.

Eleven facts about me:

1- I already did this tag in November but since the questions were different, I did it again. Here is my previous post if you want to check it out.

2- I’m really bad at finding facts about myself but I’m going to try anyway.

3- I’m extremely shy and socially awkward, but once you get to know me it gets better. That also applies on the Internet unfortunately.

4- I would like to spare money to buy myself a new phone but I always end up buying books and Funkos and Starbucks drinks.

5- I give priate lessons to a middle school and a high school student.

6- I don’t know what to do with my life.

7- My soap smells like cranberries and it’s the best thing ever.

8- Okay these facts are getting too weird and random, I hope you don’t mind because there’s no stopping me now.

9- I finished my exams on Monday, and I’m only going back to college in February, it feels so good.

10- My favourite book is One Day. Wait, you already guessed that. But it’s important.

11- I won’t be nominating anyone since I have already done this award (and I’m too lazy). I’m never sure who wants to do the awards/booktags and I don’t want to always bother the same persons, so please let me know in the comment if you want me to nominate you and do booktags! And thanks again Kristy for nominating me!

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